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Your chance to relax!

Relaxare Jimbolia

Unplug yourself from everyday stress!

tur jimbolia

Visit Jimbolia, a place where tranquility blends with interethnicity and culture meets peace.

relaxare jimbolia

Relax for a day, two or three on a journey of legend at six museums and memorial houses.

balta jimbolia natura

Enjoy nature, spending time at the lake area, and take mini-trips to Serbia and Hungary.

Centru Jimbolia

Culture and diversity

choose wisely

If you're looking for places to see near Timisoara, we think Jimbolia is one of the best choices! There are 6 museums or memorial houses waiting for you, several tours peppered with true but seemingly unbelievable stories, a 100-hectare park featuring 9 lakes and unique links with Hungarian and Serbian neighbours across the border. If you are interested in unplugging yourselfe from everyday stress and spending a day or two in or around Jimbolia, then don't miss the opportunity to contact us. Please note, museums in Jimbolia can only be visited by prior appointment! Visit Jimbolia ...

muzeu jimbolia muzee
tur jimbolia tururi
balta jimbolia lacuri
granita jimbolia frontiera
Jimbolia e o sinteză interesantă de aristocrație maghiară, burghezie șvăbească, reflexe sârbești și accente românești pline de patosul unei îndelungate lupte pentru emanciparea națională. Chiar dacă nu vă vine ideea să vă instalați acolo, pentru a profita „bătrânește” de oaza acestui târgușor bănățean, merită din plin să-l descoperiți. 


ambasador și ministru

colt de banat

The "Colț de Banat" Association is the initiator of this web page. The organisation carries out many activities in the field of education and culture. Find out more! Support its efforts!


JimboBlog contains several hundred articles related to Jimbolia. Here you can find historical, identity, cultural, gastronomic and other topical subjects.


Jimbolia Town Hall supports cultural, educational and sports activities in the town, as well as the proper functioning of the six museum entities.



află mai multe despre JIMBOLIA pe JimboBlog

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